Nancy Beckley is President of Nancy Beckley & Associates LLC providing consulting services to the rehab professional.  

Nancy is certified in Healthcare Compliance by the Healthcare Compliance Certification Board. Currently Nancy serves on the Board of Directors of the National Association of RehabiliTatation Agencies & Providers (NARA).   She recently completed several years of service on the Part A and Part B Provider Outreach Education and Advisory Panel for First Coast Services Options (Florida Medicare).  She also served on CMS’s Professional Expert Technical Panel for Comprehensive Outpatient Rehabilitation Facilities (CORF).  She organized and conducted the rehab industry’s first compliance seminar twelve years ago following the OIG publication of the first compliance guidance (for hospitals).

She is the author of a current book on rehab managed care contracting:  Managed Care for Rehab Providers Made Easy:  Mastering Contracts and Obtaining Fair Reimbursement

Her articles have appeared in a number of national publications and she serves on a number of editorial boards including Rehab Management Magazine.   Several articles on rehab compliance have been published in Compliance Today.   Nancy also services on the Editorial Board of Rehab Management, as well as the Advisory Board of the RAC Report newsletter.  She was the long-time Contributing Editor for Briefings on Outpatient Rehab: Reimbursement and Regulations, and authored the Q & A column.
This past year Nancy also authored a book on therapy recruitment:  The Essential Guide to Recruitment and Retention: Skills for Therapy Managers.